Even with the most ideal of document and archaeological
sources available, the problem of just how the available information
will be interpreted remains. Every museum presentation is effected to
some degree by 'point of view', at the hands of everyone involved in
the production. Ideally, every attempt to minimise the impact of
external biases should always be made. In reality, the effects of
editorialising raw information range from the subtle to the blatant,
the accidental to outright propaganda. In the very worst of cases,
presentations are specifically designed to vindicate current political
opinions - regardless of what the 'pure' history might really be. (We
are all aware, of course, that all forms of human endeavour suffer from
this problem, the raw research on which other museum work is based is
not immune itself.) Even with the problem of accidental (or deliberate)
distortion to reinforce institutional or personal bias aside, there
remains the question how to provide for the personal attitudes of the
museum visitor themselves.
For the Viking Encampment program, the first of these filters
can be seen in the defining mission statement. The objective of the
program is to "...represent aspects of daily life as it would have been
carried out at the Vinland outpost and to provide insights into the
larger framework in Norse culture in general." This is somewhat
different that the less precisely defined objective of the L 'Anse aux
Meadows NHS, which centres on the specific history of the site itself.
This living history presentation attempts to do much more than just
portray the lives of the original Norse inhabitants. It also is
designed to illustrate the broad outlines of Norse culture in general.
The historic reality of the Vinland outpost is used as a spotlight that
shines back towards Greenland, Iceland and the Scandinavian homelands.
As might be expected, some of the shadows cast are distorted, with fine
details obscured the distance.
A special problem encountered in designing the overall program
for L 'Anse aux Meadows is that the time period is so remote, and the
culture of the Norse so shrouded in legend, that little could be
expected by way of even basic background knowledge on the part of many
visitors. For most adults, the world of the Vikings is one of
bloodthirsty raiders in horned helmets, drinking, raping and burning
churches. It is an image born of bad movies, Robert E Howard and
football team logos. The recent generation of Canadian school children
at least have some idea who the Vikings are, and where Vinland is. Most
other living history programs are not faced with the situation of
having so many of their visitors knowing so little when they walk
through the gates (and most of that being wrong!). Curiously, a certain
portion of the public is extremely well informed, and have made a very
major travel commitment to visit the museum. Every year a significant
number of Scandinavians, academics and serious amateur students of the
Viking Age make the 800 km round trip from Corner Brooke up to L'anse
aux Meadows specifically to visit the site.
From the initial concept of creating a historical presentation
centred on the Norse exploration of Vinland in 1992, there was no doubt
that using the framework of living history would be the best method.
The underlying objective of any living history program is not to
illustrate the latest scholarly research in detail. Rather, the purpose
is to provide the general public with a basic understanding of 'what it
was like'. The impact of even the simplest living history presentation
can be enormous. The creation of an entire environment based on the
historical model allows for full utilisation of all of the senses. What
started as dry research on paper is now transformed into a living
reality with elements that can be accessed, at least in part, by
anyone. Language is transcended by sight, educational barriers by
physical demonstration, physical restrictions by touch. Often obscure
information becomes clear through context. The greatest achievement of
any living history museum is when it provides the spark of interest
that leads a visitor to further studies on their own. Despite the
special challenges that producing a creditable re-creation of the
Viking Age presented, there were in fact several advantages that
quickly became apparent.
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Posed figure in the static display at L' Anse aux Meadows Visitor
Centre. |
'Bera' at her mending by the fire in the turf house - 1996. |
Constructing the Past:
First, all of the individual objects used in the presentation
would be modern reproductions, rather than actual artifacts. Living
history museums are especially dependent on the use of physical objects
to create the illusion of the past. Virtually everything within the
'historic area' contributes to the effectiveness of the presentation,
from buildings to type of garden plants - even to such intangibles as
the perfume used by the staff. (The atmosphere of Black Creek Village
in Toronto as a Victorian crossroads town is shattered by the fact it
now lies directly under the flight path of the busiest airport in
Canada.) Within individual institutions, the practices centred around
the collections can vary considerably, with a mixture of both period
artifacts and modern reproductions being most common. Staff treat
artifacts in a manor differently than reproductions, and certainly not
the way the same objects would have been handled when they were new.
Ideally, at least all the 'working' objects at any museum should be
reproductions, if for no other reason than to preserve original
artifacts for the future.
At L 'Anse aux Meadows, the physical setting is close to the
same one that Leif Eiriksson would have seen centuries before. The
compound that makes up the reconstruction has been positioned very
close to the remains of the original structures, just another 50 meters
or so along the same marine terrace. The main museum building sits on
the top edge of the bluff that forms a natural boundary along one edge
of the site, thus placing it a good 500 m from the reconstruction. The
small cluster of houses that makes up the modern day settlement of L
'Anse aux Meadows is visible in the far distance, but are basically too
far off to provide much distraction. Certainly the landscape is
dominated by the shore and the ocean, which remain much the same as
they always have been.
The major 'artifacts' on the site are the three reconstructed
turf houses built by Parks Canada in 1980. These have been built with
considerable attention to detail, and virtually all of the modern
elements are structural, and thus hidden inside the walls. The use of
essentially the same construction techniques as were employed by the
original Norse inhabitants, along with utilisation of the same local
materials, has produced a localised environment virtually identical to
that which existed 1000 years ago. The immediate area around these
structures is bounded by a withy fence that further serves to contains
the action of the re-creation - and to focus the attention. (This fence
was not actually present in the Viking Age, but is an addition based on
types seen at other Norse farm sites.)
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View of the reconstructed buildings enclosed by the withy fence.
In the creation of the Viking Encampment, there was no
question but that all the objects used in the presentation would be
modern reproductions. All together, about 175 individual objects were
produced. Many of these were detailed reproductions of specific
artifact prototypes, others were consistent with type, with details
derived from a number of sources. A number where more speculative in
origin because there are no clear period samples to provide prototypes,
for example the costumes worn by the interpretive staff. Generally, the
objects used in the presentation can be considered to be fulfilling an
intermediate level of experimental archaeology, where both form and
function of the originals has been duplicated, but were raw materials
and some forming processes employed were modern ones. (6) One of the
huge advantages of utilising all reproductions is that they are not
precious, in the way original artifacts can often be. This allows the
interpreters to interact with the objects in a manor consistent with
that used by the original owners. (A 'new' water bucket can be shoved
aside with a foot, instead of being carefully lifted with both hands as
an artifact would have to be.) Even more important, this also gave the
visitor the freedom to physically handle the items, allowing for them
to directly experience each piece for themselves. Over the first season
only one object has suffered any significant damage from mishandling by
the public, and one item was lost due to theft. This is a small price
to pay for the incredible potential for interactive learning allowed
through the use of these reproductions.
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What remains of the bronze ring pin found at L' Anse aux Meadows. |
The reproduction of the pin as used in the Norse Encampment, with
an antler comb.
(Pin by D. Roberston, comb by S. Strang.) |
When it came down to the actual manufacture of the objects,
the real world of cost, availability and skills exerted its influence.
The raw materials that were utilised, and how these were worked into
each individual item, where determined by a web of what could be found,
how it could be worked and how the final object was to be used. In the
forming of the 'iron' objects, modern mild and carbon steels were
substituted for the wrought iron used for the originals. True wrought
iron is no longer commercially produced, so modern industrial steel
bars were pre-profiled by hand to 'dress' them. All the forming work
for the 'iron' work was done using traditional blacksmithing
techniques, but employing what was essentially Victorian technology of
large anvils and coal fires. (As opposed to the small block anvils and
charcoal fires of the Viking Age.) The wooden objects were made of
similar species as the original prototypes were ever possible, although
of North American origin. Rough cut planks from a commercial sawmill
were surface dressed to produce the required boards (rather than the
Norse method of quarter split from logs). Modern commercial fabrics
were used for the costumes, with care was taken in their selection to
conform to period types. These were machine sewn not just for cost
considerations, but also to better withstand the constant washing they
would be subjected to. Other objects specially created with extensive
use of hand fabrication techniques included: boots and other leather
work, jewellery, and the water buckets and pails.
Who are you talking to?:
One of the great issues surrounding the use of living history
museums has been the question of whether they are in fact able to
accurately portray the past at all. The argument from the academic
community has often been that such museums actually do more to distort
the past than they do to re-create it. The quality of individual living
history museums ranges widely, as does the size, scope and resources
available to each. Poorly trained staff, sloppy workmanship, poor
attention to details, (usually corners cut because of tight budgets) -
all are used as proof of why living history is a questionable technique
at best. Generally much of this disdain amongst academics is the result
of a lack of understanding on their parts of just what the goals of
living history programs really are. (7)
A large number of terms are used, often interchangeably, when
referring to the various types of history based presentations seen at
various museums. One often hears of "animators" being used,
particularly by institutions in the United States of America. I define
an animator as being a professional actor, hired to give a previously
written and clearly defined performance. Generally the script will be
delivered exactly as written, with very little modification between
performances or possibility of interaction with the audience. It is
quite possible that the content of the performance content and
supporting props (such as costuming) may be extremely accurate. The
animator may in fact have had considerable training, or has done
personal research into details of period mannerisms and modes of
speech, enabling them to do a very creditable job at re-creating the
past. Based on personal skills, they may in fact be able to deviate
from the prepared text to allow for interactions with the audience.
Generally, however, this is in fact not the case, with staff being
chosen for their acting ability, rather than for any historical
knowledge that would allow flexibility. The presentations themselves
tend to be theatrical, with bold drama emphasised more that what is
likely a more boring reality.
A Historic Interpreter, on the other hand, is an individual
who is trained in history rather than oratory. The interpreter will
attempt to speak as a 'voice from the past' and carry on a direct
conversation with the visitor. The precise amount of historic detailing
engaged in is dependent on the interpretive level chosen, modified by a
range of other factors. As might be expected, the depth of historic
detail, of 'reality' in the eyes of the visitor, depends on a huge and
complex web of facts must be instantly available to the interpreter. It
is true that extremely good interpersonal skills, and a sense of
creative drama, are also called for. There is no doubt that effective
living history staff, especially those utilising higher levels of
interpretation, absolutely demand the support of extensive training
programs on the part of the institution.
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'Thora of Meath' cooking flat cakes, a popular way to provide
the public with a taste of the Viking Age - 1997. |
'Astrid' gives direct hands on experience with a reproduction
drop spindle based on the stone whorl found on site - 1997
As has already be stated, the Encampment project was always
considered as an exercise in living history. That being said, the next
thing to be considered was which level of interpretation would prove
the most effective in presenting the Viking Age to the general public?
As is so often the case, even the best laid plans seldom survive
implementation without modification.
As it was originally conceived and structured in 1993, the
original Norse Encampment was designed to make use of full role playing
on the part of the interpretive staff. (Where the interpreters referred
to the past as if it was current, with no references to the modern day,
and with detailed characterisations.)(8) Although the staff involved in
this initial program were certainly skilled and knowledgeable enough to
maintain this approach, it quickly became obvious the public was not.
As discussed above, the Viking Age is too distant and unknown, too much
distorted by popular culture, to allow the general public much by way
of points of reference to the period. As the presentation was modified
in use to suit the demands of the visitors it was found that a kind of
'sliding scale' of interpretive levels was in fact called for. In
practice this consisted of using a series of what were essentially
short vignettes as role playing. Although the rough outline of each of
these set pieces were understood by the interpreters involved, the
actual content was not scripted, allowing for a more spontaneous (and
realistic) delivery. These exchanges were seldom more that a couple of
minutes in length, and would be followed by commentary given from the
third person stance ('they did', with modern references). The general
flow of the interaction with the public ranged between first person ('I
did', given as a character type) and commentary. These methods were
further refined during the 1994 presentation. As might be expected,
this technique demands a great deal of both skill and flexibility on
the part of the interpreter.
The Encampment program as was demonstrated in 1996, and as it
continues at L' Anse aux Meadows, continues to make use of this system
of varied interpretive levels. During the initial design and training
phase of the project, a series of character sketches were written.
These represent character types - rather than specific historic
individuals, purposely designed to be 'larger than life' (almost
caricatures) to make it easier to illustrate specific elements of the
culture. Elements of the characters were determined by considering the
personalities of the staff themselves. Once the characters were
assigned, the staff have been allowed to flesh out many of the small
details that breathe life into these persona. All this serves two
purposes - making it easier for them to interact as 'real' people, and
also giving them a sense of ownership in the characters. Because all of
the main outlines are agreed upon, and many of the fine details are
not, the public is often presented with several versions of the same
story - creating a sense of inclusion into the personal relationships
of this Norse crew.
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'Thora' gives her slave girl 'Astrid' a questioning look - 1997. |
An example of this in action is the complex web of
relationships that exist between ship's captain 'Bjorn', his strong
willed wife 'Thora', and her personal slave 'Astrid'. Thora has become
fed up with Bjorn's endless quest for status and empty promises. His
favouring of the young Astrid is the last straw, and she intends to
divorce him - as soon as she gets back to civilised lands. Astrid sees
her chance to become a free woman, but has to avoid the sharp tongue
(and hand) of her mistress. Bjorn is blissfully unaware of it all. A
visitor may hear from Astrid how hard her life is, from Thora how fed
up she is, and from Bjorn about his next great venture. Along the way,
it becomes possible to introduce the topics of slavery, status, trade,
women's rights and law. In using this technique, there is no doubt that
the 'true' image of the Norse at L 'Anse aux Meadows has been
distorted. Remember, however, that the stated mission of the Viking
Encampment is to illustrate the wider outlines of Norse culture.
Obviously, the success of such a method is highly dependent
on the skills and knowledge of a well trained and professional
interpretive staff. In the initial stages of the Encampment program,
staff were drawn from the ranks of 'serious amateurs'. Many of them had
some direct museum experience at various Ontario living history sites.
All had undertaken long years, in some cases decades, of personal
studies into the Viking Age, including the development of extensive
craft skills. All had built up considerable experience in recreating
historic characters as historic re-enactors. In this way, during the
development stage of the program, stress could be placed on training
for interpretive techniques and specific presentation methods, rather
than for broad historical knowledge.
This situation entirely changed in 1997, with the
implementation of the regular seasonal program at L 'Anse aux Meadows.
The six staff required as interpreters would be hired locally, and
could not be expected to have any previous education in history at all.
As it turned out, none of them had even ever seen a living history
presentation. Most had no more than a secondary school level of
education, with an average of less than one year of an applied college
program. There was a total of four weeks allocated for the staff
training, three weeks in the class room and one week of direct
supervision in front of the public. This is actually quite generous in
comparison to many living history museums, where training is commonly
measured in days rather than weeks. (It is similar to the six weeks
training provided at the "Viking Adventure" in Dublin, Ireland, which
re-creates the same period in history - and is the closest location of
another presentation of the Viking Age.) Still, the demands placed on
the staff were considerable, they were expected to soak up the
equivalent of a university level Norse history course, plus the
necessary hand skills, plus acquire the required interpretive skills.
The training manual alone had over 200 pages!
It is to the personal credit of the staff members selected that they were able
to achieve such a high level of historical knowledge and interpretive ability
in such a short time. Like any significant museum site, the range of understanding
within the visitor population ranges enormously. L Anse aux Meadows may exhibit
an wider range than most, due to its strange mixture of remote location and
World Heritage designation. The greatest number of the visiting public are 'local'
- which in the case of rural Newfoundlanders means that the average educational
level is fairly low. Most adults possess no more than a secondary school education,
and the quality of even that is generally poorer than the Canadian average.
On the other hand, the balance of the remainder have traveled well over 200
km (one way) specifically to come to this site - more for those who have made
the 12 hour drive up the entire length of Newfoundland to visit the museum.
About 3% have made the trip all the way from Europe, many Scandinavians consider
the Vinland site of 'Leif's Houses' as much part of their history is it is Canada's.
What this all means is that a large number of the public are knowledgeable on
at least the outlines of Norse history.
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Dawn Taylor (as Astrid) pulls a couple into her confidence - and
into the World of the Norse - 1997 |
Mike Sexton (as Bjorn) "educates with a smile" as he spins a warrior's
tale for visitors - 1997. |
Mike Simons (as Kole) illuminates the techniques of Norse navigation
with a direct demonstration - 1997. |
There is no doubt that the remoteness of the Viking Age made
the techniques of living history the most effective choice for
presenting the broad outlines of Norse culture to the public. The
creation of a new interpretive program for L 'Anse aux Meadows NHS was
the result of a long development phase working towards an effective
museum presentation. The Viking Encampment program faced many of the
same research and production problems seen in the development of any
new living history program. In the case of this re-creation of daily
life in Vinland, many of these effects were greatly magnified due to
the marginal nature of the original site and its extreme remoteness
from modern times. These same factors illustrated the separation
between the theoretical and the practical, creating a situation that
results in the Encampment program often becoming an exercise in
experimental archaeology. As with all living history programs, the
final success of the presentation rests on the shoulders of the
interpretive staff. Although the reproductions are of high quality, the
design of the overall content sound, and the physical environment
ideal, in the end it is the individual historic interpreters who
breathe life into the Viking Age.
(1) "Mission Statement for the Norse Encampment"
Darrell Markewitz
Internal document for the Viking Trails Tourism
Association and Parks Canada, 1996
(2) "The Discovery of the Norse Settlement in America",
vol. 1
Anne Ingstad
(3) "L' Anse aux Meadows, Gateway to Vinland"
Birgitta Wallace
Acta Archaeologica (Vol?) pg 185 (year?)
(4) "Metallurgy and Metalworking in Ancient Russia"
B.A. Kolchin
Original 1953 (in Russian), translation 1967
(5) "The Viking"
Bertil Almgren, editor - with illustrations by Ake
Crescent Books, 1975
(6) & (8)"Working in the Middle Ages, Historic
Interpretation and Experimental Archaeology in the Society for Creative
Darrell Markewitz
Paper delivered at "the Middle Ages in Popular Culture"
at McMaster University, 1996
(7) "Recreating the Viking Age, the Viking Encampment at
L' Anse aux Meadows"
Darrell Markewitz
Paper delivered at "the 33rd International Medieval
Congress", at Michigan State University, 1998