An Index of Past BLOG Postings
for : " Darrell Markewitz is a professional blacksmith who specializes in the Viking Age. He designed the living History program for L'Anse aux Meadows and has worked on a number of major international exhibits. Recent passions have included experimental iron smelting." |
The primary content to the BLOG are short pieces related to metalwork and the Viking Age. There is a concentration of articles related to the ongoing IRON SMELTING experiments. Many posts relate to the technical aspects of forging objects from the Viking Age. Of course there are some general commentaries on the Arts, and the world in general. I consider the main web site to be like a published book, the blog to be more like a magazine. I normally try to post a new piece roughly twice every week - and this blog has been active since March of 2006. Many of the offerings are re-worked versions of long answers to e-mails or pieces for one of the several discussion groups I am active in. Note that this list just gives the article titles and the dates posted. Readers are advised to go to the blog itself use the listed topic key words or the 'search this blog' function provided by Blogger to find specific subjects. |
2012 COURSES - dates set Peterson House - Front Supports : INSTALLED 12/24/11 Remember this? 12/22/11 Schiffer Releases Ironwork Today 3 12/18/11 CanIRON 9 - Quebec 12/13/11 Russian VA Iron Smelt... 12/12/11 A Historic Tool ?? 12/10/11 Gamer's View on Metals, Armour & Weapons 12/4/11 Yule Sale! 12/3/11 What is True - or what they want? 11/30/11 Forging the BIG Time (again!) 11/26/11 Where DO Ideas Come From (3) - Peterson House 11/26/11 Bill Short on VIking Age Weapons & Combat 11/25/11 Archaeology & Experiment - Smelt at Brown University 11/24/11 the Work and Mind of Jake Powning 11/19/11 Found on the Beach .... 11/18/11 why OCCUPY? 11/13/11 Sauder on SMELTING 11/12/11 Afghanistan ... and Viet Nam 11/11/11 Slag Pit Two - Report Ready 11/9/11 'It came from the PIT'... 11/7/11 Slag Pit Two Celtic 11/5/11 Stone Age to Iron Age? 11/2/11 Slag Pit Smelt - Report ready! 11/1/11 Happy Halloween 10/31/11 DARC at CanIRON 8 - Smelt Report 10/29/11 Measuring the HEAT... 10/24/11 Thanksgiving Smelt - fast overview 10/21/11 Styll 2 - bragging a wee bit... contemporary arts, upcoming events 10/8/11 Thanksgiving IRON SMELT at Wareham 10/1/11 VA Glass Bead Experiment 9/10/11 10/1/11 OUT OF THE STORM - Fundraiser for Goderich 9/30/11 Truth for those who dream... 9/28/11 Dr Wallace at Western! 9/27/11 Stonekettle on Intelligent Aliens and the State Fair 9/26/11 Charcoal in Furnaces? 9/21/11 Styll 2- Two, B 9/16/11 Styll 2 - Two 9/14/11 Cooking and Cookware References? 9/10/11 View of CanIRON 8 9/8/11 DARC smelt at CanIRON 8 9/6/11 Report from Goderich! 8/26/11 'New' at Kensington Minnesota... 8/26/11 Wind Power comes to Wareham 8/20/11 See me at : SUMMERFOLK - Owen Sound 8/18/11 Art imitates Science (??) 8/17/11 Introduction to LAYERED STEELS - October 22 & 23 8/16/11 Bead Making at Goderich Celtic (report) 8/13/11 Seeing CanIRON 8 ?? 8/10/11 Viking Age Bead Making - at Goderich Celtic 8/3/11 CanIRON 8 - Consider a single day admission 7/28/11 DARC at CanIRON 8 - Iron Smelting Demo 7/27/11 CanIRON 8 : Come see - What is FREE ! 7/25/11 Halluciginia No. 3 - Crab (more) 7/24/11 Out of the Womb - Endlessly Orbitting (???) 7/23/11 'Crab' - Designing to Forged Elements 7/19/11 Viking Age in TORONTO - this weekend! 13/11 Smelting and Weather? 7/10/11 Axe forging - the video 7/6/11 Historic Iron Smelt in Sweden 7/5/11 Viking Age in Ottawa for Canada Day 6/29/11 Recent Work 6/27/11 June 11 Smelt - REPORT 6/27/11 Iron Smelt at CanIRON 8 6/20/11 CanIRON practice smelt 6/19/11 De-Bunking the Kensington Rune Stone ... 6/7/11 Early Blacksmith 6/6/11 Demonstration IRON SMELT : June 11 6/1/11 Great Northern Medieval Fayre 5/27/11 a new take on Debt Slavery 5/24/11 Will YOU be 'Raptured'... 5/21/11 How Hot? 5/17/11 Etching on Celtic Iron Age Mirrors? 5/11/11 Peterson Fence - Installed 5/5/11 A 'Learning Experience'... 4/29/11 a MEDIEVAL Double Bag Bellows 4/16/11 'Off Cut Bowl' - Waterlife / Shadow Box show 4/11/11 'Steel' strikers - some considerations (?) 4/9/11 Final Report - African passive draw furnace 4/6/11 Aristotle Furnace - Photo Essay 4/4/11 OUT of 'Africa' 4/1/11 'Harper Government' falls... 3/28/11 Heat under AFRICA 3/25/11 SMELTFEST 11 - African part 2 3/22/11 SMELTFEST 11 - initial doings 3/20/11 Ancient Bronze working? 3/14/11 I Am (Not Stephen Harper's) Canadian 3/8/11 Peterson Fence Project 3/6/11 Some older Bladesmithing 2/28/11 Vikings to Vinland - Lecture Feb 24 2/20/11 HOW TO HISTORY - Norse Broadaxe 2/16/11 Contemporary Blacksmithing in Uzbekistan 2/11/11 Art of Scott Caple 2/6/11 Bronze Casting - Metals, Melts and other Mysteries... 2/4/11 'Songs of Distant Oceans' 2/3/11 Cooking Grid from Fire Grid 2/1/11 NEW DVD Edits! 1/31/11 NEW DVD Edits! 1/31/11 I wanted this AXE 1/25/11 2011 - Year at a Glance 1/22/11 QUALITY Replica Anvils (VA iron & economy) 1/20/11 Makita Comes Through 1/15/11 'Proof' (??) of Female Blacksmiths 1/12/11 How To History 1/9/11 Museum Photographs - Internet Publishing 1/5/11 Interpreting an Artifact 12/31/10
Revisions to the 'Norse Encampment' AVATAR (yet another) Review 12/31/09 Vinland 2 Smelt - Report Available 12/30/09 Modern Iron Smelting 12/29/09 Spreading Flat Bar 12/28/09 Vinland 2 Smelt - Report Available 12/30/09 Modern Iron Smelting 12/29/09 Spreading Flat Bar 12/28/09 2009 'Vinland' Smelt Reports 12/27/09 Far From Home - but not Forgotten 12/26/09 'Does anyone here remember - Roger Dean?' 12/21/09 Richards House Railing One 12/20/09 *Iron* Age vs *Viking* Age? 12/15/09 Objects - Authenticity Levels? 12/12/09 Vinland Smelt - Matching the Evidence 12/7/09 A 'New Age Fake Mystic Cash Cow' Design 12/4/09 Finding Primary Bog Ore? 11/28/09 'Christmas in the Country' 11/27/09 Don't look like much... 11/26/09 Where do IDEAS come from? 11/19/09 CANIRON 8 - Comes to Ontario! 11/17/09 Vinland 3 on YouTube 11/16/09 the Everyday as Artifact - 'Motel of the Mysteries 11/14/09 On "the Guns of 24/7" 11/11/09 Vinland 3 Smelt - Draft Report 11/9/09 Undersea to Shore 11/3/09 Vinland 3 Smelter Build 11/3/09 On forges, chimneys - and blowers 11/1/09 Spears for Vinland 10/27/09 Clay at L'Anse aux Meadows? 10/25/09 A Furnace at Vinland - Construction Possibilities 10/22/09 Welding at low temperatures? 10/19/09 On Larger Charcoal Fires? 10/18/09 Smithing Tool Auction 10/15/09 Vinland 2 Smelt - On YouTube 10/14/09 Vinland Smelt 2 - Fast Results 10/12/09 Piston Bellows (1) 10/6/09 Junk Science... 10/4/09 So - You want to join DARC 10/2/09 Now from China... 9/30/09 Norse and Anglo-Saxon Knives - grind profiles 9/22/09 Shifting Shapes 9/16/09 Forging Norse Arrow Heads - Two 9/10/09 Forging Norse Arrow Heads - Details 9/9/09 Forging Norse Arrow Heads 9/9/09 Trade Like the Norse - Coins and Currency at the Althing 9/3/09 ...and now for something COMPLETELY different! 8/29/09 On : "Viking garb accessories..belt and pouch?" 8/29/09 Snatched from the Fire? 8/27/09 'That don't look like the drawing!' 8/25/09 Catherine Crowe Launches Enamel Supplies 8/22/09 I had this knife... 8/18/09 A Viking Age pot to... 8/13/09 Ideas? Forms from Nature 7/31/09 " I love it when a plan comes together... 7/29/09 ..but can you DRAW it? 7/23/09 IRON Mandrils - Iron Oxide bead release? 7/22/09 Working / Temperatures - VA Bead Furnace 7/20/09 Beadmaking - Working with Tesseri 7/19/09 Bead Furnace - Gas Jet 3 7/11/09 CANIRON 7 7/10/09 Glass Bead Making Furnace 7/6/09 Canada Day Beaver 7/1/09 Cold Forming Reversal Curves - on YouTube 6/25/09 Free Guide : 'The Art of Managing Your Career' 6/20/09 "If only I could BOTTLE it..." 6/19/09 What Six Hours gets you... 6/16/09 Forging Elements - Tools for Rushes 6/15/09 Forging Elements - 'Rush Tip' 6/11/09 Boats, Bilges - and Blisters 6/9/09 65 Years On... 6/7/09 Cutting the Bloom 6/6/09 Input - Output : LAM One Smelt 6/5/09 Meltalworking Safety for the Viking Age? 6/2/09 Vinland Iron Smelt (on YouTube) 6/1/09 Results - LAM 1 Smelt (draft) 5/31/09 Vikings came first... 5/29/09 LAM 'Furnce Hut' Photographs 5/29/09 A Furnace for Vinland 5/28/09 Norse in Northern Canada 5/28/09 John Little - Inflating Sheet 5/26/09 'Quenched in the body of a Slave...' 5/18/09 Jake Powning - VA Pattern Welded Sword 5/12/09 HEAVY Forging! 5/8/09 A Weekend Course - 'What will I get out of it?' 5/7/09 L'Anse aux Meadows Smelt - Working Area 5/5/09 L'Anse aux Meadows Smelt - Ore Analog 5/4/09 Who were the Vikings? Some basic Q & A 4/30/09 History (versus or plus?) Archaeology 4/27/09 Forging Elements - 'Kelp' 4/24/09 Winter Weathering - Icelandic Destruction! 4/14/09 Layout of the Wareham Forge 4/11/09 Viking Age Tents - Oseberg evidence 4/9/09 'Bridges & Doors' 4/6/09 Lectures on Saturday! 4/3/09 Ancient Iron Working Discovered... 4/3/09 Smeltfest 09 - Preliminary Overview 3/30/09 Forging the BIG time 3/25/09 Traveling with Marine Mammals 3/11/09 No - I really DID mean to do it that way... 3/4/09 more on ULFBERHT... 3/3/09 Lectures - Forward Into the Past 3/3/09 'ULFLBERHT' - or not (a test method) 3/2/09 Ves*sels Exhibit at BMFA 2/28/09 Folly at the Forge 2/26/09 Charcoals for Smelting 2/24/09 'Viking Encampment - 2008 2/19/09 'A' Frame Tent Covers... 2/15/09 Thule versus Norse? 2/15/09 2009 - Year at a Glance 2/12/09 Shrinking into Curves 2/12/09 Tools and Measures (and legondary tales) 2/11/09 Bronze Casting in Green Sand 2/9/09 'Continuing Adventures in Early Iron' 2/7/09 All 39 Smelts Linked to Reports 2/5/09 Experiment Data : 2001 - 2008 2/3/09 'Will you take an Apprentice?' 1/28/09 A known Meteor Iron Blade - from 1600! 1/27/09 Charcoal to Bar in Colonial Furnaces 1/22/09 2009 Course Dates Posted 1/21/09 From Mars to the Viking Age... 1/19/09 Graham House - Front Door 'Grill' 1/17/09 Revision with 2008 Smelting Overview 1/16/09 Squidoo - 'lens' on the Econo Norse Smelter 1/13/09 Tentative Course Dates - 2009 1/10/09 Applied Knowledge - Quenching 1/9/09 Weapons VS Armour - an Ancient story... 1/8/09 Images of Quad State Smelting Demo 1/6/09 Terry Clark - Masters Class / Folly at the Forge 12/31/08 'Steel' - means what? 12/27/08 DARC Fall Smelt on YouTube 12/27/08 Knives from VA Lejre, Denmark 12/25/08 Blacksmithing Skills in the Viking Age 12/23/08 Pattern Welding on VA Swords 12/22/08 Blade Construction in the Viking Age - PROBLEMS 12/21/08 'Exploring the Viking Age in Demark' - OFFICIAL RELEASE 12/20/08 Current Project - Graham House Front Door 12/19/08 Eastern Ontario Artist? 12/17/08 Icelandic A - 10/08 - VIDEO 12/16/08 Hinge Straps for TenCate House 12/11/08 Exploring the Vikings - Student Questions (Answered?) 12/9/08 Facing FACEBOOK 12/6/08 Our Home and Native Land? 12/5/08 The more it changes... 12/5/08 Ongoing - 'Exploring Viking Age Denmark' 11/28/08 Exploring the Viking Age in Demark 11/20/08 Looks Great... 11/18/08 Iron Slags as Art 11/17/08 Air Delivery Test - Norse Smelting Bellows 11/14/08 And the Band Played... 11/12/08 Gazing in the Crystal Ball 11/12/08 'For Our Honoured Dead' 11/11/08 Icelandic 4 Iron Smelt 11/10/08 Segmented Urn 11/7/08 Full Reports on Wareham Ironsmelting 11/6/08 Lest We Forget... 11/4/08 DARC Fall Smelt 10/31/08 GRAVE GOODS - Closing GALA 10/22/08 Medieval Cast Iron? 10/19/08 ...and now for something completely different 10/18/08 Icelandic / Hals - VIDEO 10/15/08 Work Test A - Icelandic / Hals 10/15/08 VOTE for ARTS - who says what 10/14/08 Bloom to Object - 'Layered Test Seax' 10/8/08 Thanksgiving / Hals setup 10/7/08 Thanksgiving at Hals in Wareham (1) 10/5/08 VOTE for the ARTS 10/3/08 Grave Goods - Pictorial Overview 10/3/08 Iron Smelt Demo on ANVILFIRE 10/2/08 Iron Smelt Demo at Quad State 10/1/08 Ore Sources? 9/22/08 Forged from Blooms - 'Offering Bowl' 9/21/08 Insurance, Authorities and the Home Forge blacksmith 9/14/08 21st Cee - Clootie Tree 2007 Experimental Overviews Available 12/24/07 Expanded Smelt Data iron smelting 12/21/07 Easier than Smelting! 12/12/07 Terrorism is NOT Art 12/8/07 'Gangue aux Fer' - on Early Iron 12/6/07 Electric Blower for Iron Smelting 11/29/07 Martin Course Smelt 11/27/07 Winter Considerations 11/24/07 Extending Asumptions 11/21/07 Beowulf / Shamol-wulf 11/13/07 Riverdale House - 2nd Install 11/7/07 Icelandic Smelt Two (report) 11/1/07 Recording Smelting Slags 11/1/07 Bellows Test 10/30/07 Historic Blooms? 10/26/07 GRAVE GOODS - Call for Entry 10/21/07 Possible FOOT powered air system 10/19/07 Thanksgiving Smelt - some considerations 10/16/07 Icelandic Smelt ONE - published images 10/15/07 Support Our Troops Ribbons 10/11/07 Thanksgiving smelt - Draft report 10/8/07 Data from Williams & Nissen smelt 10/4/07 Rural High Speed (as if!) 10/4/07 Riverdale House - 1st Install! 10/3/07 Thanksgiving Smelt - Preparations 9/30/07 Towards an Icelandic Smelter 9/28/07 Viking Age Seax Two 9/17/07 Forging the Elements 8/28/07 'Rivendale' 8/24/07 August Shows! blacksmith 8/4/07 Smelters & Archaeology - Some Questions 7/31/07 Viking Age Blacksmith's Bellows 7/27/07 What I've Been Doing - Summer '07 7/11/07 Report on Double Smelt - June 9 6/23/07 A Re-Enactor's Knife Design. 6/21/07 Ceramic Tuyeres for Smelting? 6/17/07 Historic Iron Smelting - Questions & Problems 6/16/07 'Hot Swap' Double Smelt 6/11/07 Iron Smelt Course Results... 6/5/07 Preparing an Iron Smelt 5/29/07 'Copper Alloy" ?? 5/25/07 Oseberg Tripod - Interpretations 5/12/07 Oseberg Tripod - My Interpretation... 5/10/07 Oseberg Tripod - Measurements 5/2/07 Blacksmithing Tools for SALE 5/1/07 Early Pattern Welding Experiments 5/1/07 Norse Womans' Knife 4/20/07 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Monday, February 19, 2007 Sunday, January 28, 2007 Saturday, January 13, 2007 Saturday, January 06, 2007 Monday, January 01, 2007 Sunday, December 31, 2006 Friday, December 29, 2006 Tuesday, December 19, 2006 |
![]() Who is Darrell Markewitz? |